About Diane

I’ve spent my whole life preparing for this moment.

Yep, this exact one. The one that’s brought you here, to this space. To me… and to yourself.
You are so welcome here!

Our lives are amazing journeys. We’re all here to grow, to move forward, to learn, to heal, and to expand. So when you’re ready to change something, step forward and say yes!

You are so much more than your physical body. There are multiple layers to your being. Besides the cellular structure of the physical body, we each have a mental, emotional, energetic and light body. A complex structure of divine connection points unite them. Any condition of dis-ease can stem from any or all of those “layers” of your being. I can identify the core of your issue, and extract the blockage from every “layer”. With the core removed, grace shines in again, and healing miracles can appear! All my life, I’ve been learning how to create healing pathways like this – from any distance.

It began with light. Celestial light – bright images, angels, doves. I was three years old when my grandmother started to develop my talent. She began teaching me how to interact with this light, and help to transmit it through the body. The light is the source of healing – I’m just a guide and connector. This guidance is my job, and my true heart’s desire is to do the best job possible.

The older I got, the stronger my determination to educate myself became. I went to nursing school to learn the internal systems of the body. While I wasn’t inspired by the conventional medical approach of my classes, I needed to understand anatomy and physiology. How could I possibly know where to put light if I didn’t know exactly how our intricate physical systems operated? After I graduated, I spent the next 10 years learning direct methods for moving stagnant energy through tissue.

That’s when I met Deepak Chopra, and my life changed forever. He recognized my abilities immediately and inspired me to go public with my talents. I moved to Iowa to learn from him, and began to explore more holistic approaches to medicine.  Eventually, I began to develop ways to teach my specialized methods.

My healings have nothing to do with proximity. The energetic world isn’t constrained by time and space, so location simply doesn’t matter. Instead, I work with your unique energetic signature. This signature is determined by your birth information, and just like fingerprints, no two are alike. It allows me to see, work with, and align every layer of your being.

I can spot issues and missing connections others can’t.  Imagine your emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies working together in symphony, like an orchestra. It’s beautiful, but there may be a few ‘off notes’. I can hear those notes – whether they’re tissue patterns, thought forms, or any chaotic noise – and transform them back into the right key. On more than one occasion I’ve guided the doctors to cancer cells they couldn’t initially find with diagnostic imaging, helped bodies receive transplant tissue, and eased brittle tissues into becoming pliable for surgery.

One of the main benefits of healing is that it removes static from any layer of your being. Manifestation has a hard time going through that sort of chaotic noise. The quieter you make the noise, the more space you provide for grace to pour through. And that’s when your life begins to transform. Whatever trauma you’ve experienced can disappear the instant the healing takes place and you’re fully aligned. Then you can open and blossom like never before and be the best you can be.

I’ve assisted with over a 160 surgeries (all successful, thank God), taught health and wellness curriculums to multi-million dollar companies, and have worked alongside A-list celebrities, multi-platinum producers and recording artists. Until now, my referral-based practice has allowed me to stay under the radar. But it’s time to step out from behind the scenes, and help as many people as I possibly can.

When you’re ready for a healing, or you’d like a little more information about how it works, click here.

Say yes to healing!
